If you would like to know more about the product/service and want to use it yourself, click on the name and it’ll open a new tab with it for you to check it out and purchase it.

(These are Amazon Affiliate links, any purchase you make with these links, I will get a very small percentage of the purchase at no extra cost for you. Thank you!)




  • Adobe Creative Cloud

    • Premiere Pro CC (all my edits)

    • After Effects CC (whenever I need to add motion graphics or do any composition work)

    • Media Encoder CC (rendering)

    • Photoshop CC (graphic design)

  • Screen Recorder: OBS Studio (free open source software)




Podcast Hosting:


Domain Host:

  • Hover (best service I’ve used over the years)

Website Hosting:

  • Squarespace (I got a student discount my first year, but trust me it is worth the money. Your personal brand is super important.)

Website Template: